Partida Creus
Pènedes, Spain
Antonella Gerosa and Massimo Marchiori, two architects from Piedmont, Italy, sought a more sustainable life and acquired an old winery in Bonastre, Tarragona, Spain. Turning it into their beautiful winery, Partida Creus, with recycled materials, they revived the place. Situated in the protected forest area of Massís de Bonastre (Baix Penedés), known for its clay and limestone soils, they dedicated themselves to growing a variety of local foods. Discovering a dearth of wines made in their preferred style, they decided to craft their own using ancient local grape varieties such as Trepat, Garrut, Queixal de Llop, Ull de Perdiu, Samsó, Catalan Garnacha and Sumoll. All their wines are organically farmed and made naturally, letting the terroirs and grape varieties speak honestly.

Antonella Gerosa and Massimo Marchiori