Inviniti by Lawson's Dry Hills
Marlborough, New Zealand
Inviniti range of wines are crafted by a nimble and innovative bunch who firmly believe that they have the ability to make significant changes for the better. This sense of pride and achievement is shared throughout the Lawsons’s Dry Hills winery. They know it's not just the big stuff like installing 200 solar panels and buying a more environmentally friendly tractor that make a difference but daily tasks like composting, planting natives in the vineyards and recycling – things they can all contribute to - that add up. That’s why, after gaining ISO14001 certification for Environmental Management, they went a whole lot further and achieved carbon-zero status last year. The first NZ winery to do so. Designed to showcase their sustainability credentials, Inviniti wines come in New Zealand-made lightweight bottles with a minimum of 60 per cent recycled content and paper labels made from certified, sustainably managed forests.

Marcus Wright, Senior Winemaker at Lawson's Dry Hills